Spider System is a modern solution for exterior bolted glass assemblies, which secures the glazing to a support structure by means of point-fixings

Point-loaded structural glazing systems consist of laminated and tempered glass supported by

Hardware embedded in the glass. Unlike the alternatives, this system eliminates any visible metal framework giving a monolithic look to a façade, provides considerable freedom and aesthetic options within varying degrees of transparency, stiffness and cost, in spite of having very long lead times. Product and installation costs are higher than conventional frame-supported curtain wall systems

The high-grade stainless steel fixings are designed to absorb all static and dynamic loads (i.e. the dead weight of the glass, wind loading, snow loads and differential expansion due to temperature difference) and distribute them to the support structure.

color-brown color-cream color-wood color-silver color-grey

High aesthetics
Diverse application possibilities

Are classified according to the number of pins Spider:

– The Spider uses up 1 foot;
– The use Spider 2 feet up;
– The use Spider 4 feet up;
– The use Spider 6 feet up.

Physical Properties- Tensile Yield Strength: 220 MPa- Ultimate Tensile Strenth: 236 Mpa- Elongation at Break: 14%

  1. Hardness: 76 HV5
  2. Paint thickness: 70-76 Mm
  3. Chemical Components: ASTM E1251:1994